Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sketches on a train...

Last week I spent a day out of jeans and muddy wellies, put on my smart clothes, left my husband in charge of our new dog- the scruff bag Bertie and went to London to meet my agent Elizabeth Roy.  I sat tentatively as she expertly scanned my text for a baby board book series. 
It was a great meeting, I always enjoy our get togethers, then she said seriously  “I would like four of these as dummies before Christmas”.

“Before Christmas!”, she called out again firmly with a smile, as we waved goodbye. 

I can see I will be failing miserably at creating the perfect, festive abode and food. Not to  mention the Christmas shopping… 
Anyway moving on swiftly... here are  some very rough ideas/sketches  I did on the train home, squashed between sneezing fellow commuters.  Needless to say new dog Bertie and his muddy embraces feature too... do take a peep at him at the bottom of the page!